PhD project: Risk assessment of blue-green roof solutions

Most modern green roofs (a common exception is traditional Scandinavian turf roofs) are built on top of conventional compact roofs. At the very surface, various plants grow in a growth medium. Below lies a layer for water storage and drainage. Erlend Andenæs will in his PhD project thoroughly assess the various building-related challenges and risks associated with green, blue-green and blue-grey roof solutions. Read more about the project here and in the technical article from Byggeindustrien (in Norwegian).

KS ønsker ny forsikrings- og finansieringsordning utredet

NVE har varslet økt fare for storflom denne våren. Det kan føre til skader på den kommunale infrastrukturen. KS har bedt regjeringen utrede en ny forsikrings- og finansieringsordning som dekker slike skader og i tillegg kan bidra til mer forebygging. På oppdrag fra KS har forskere i Klima 2050 fra BI og SINTEF samt en forsker fra UiO vurdert dagens ordninger, og i en fersk rapport foreslår de å endre praksis for å sikre en bedre løsning. Les rapporten her.

Vacant PhD position on innovative protection solutions from water triggered landslides

Extreme weather increases the risk of landslides that may close roads and railroads and destroy buildings and bridges. The vacant PhD position aim to explore innovative solutions for the protection from landslides at potentially exposed sites either by preventing the release or escalation of a slide, stopping or channelling the debris or by designing structures that may withstand the expected forces. Read the announcement here

Spin-off project Klima Digital

Recent climate trends have caused the Norwegian society to witness unprecedented challenges. One of which is frequent, large-scale geohazards events, such as landslides, snow avalanches, and debris flows. A newly acquired project – Klima Digital – funded by the Research Council of Norway and partners aims to reduce societal risks imposed by geohazards in the changing climate with a novel geohazards assessment framework (GAF) supported by the digital technology. Read more about the project here.

Norske ekstremvêr

Ekstremvêr fører til store skadar på bygningar og infrastruktur også i Norge. I Klima 2050 har vi sett nærmare på norske ekstremvêrvarsel. I snitt har vi tre slike vêrhendingar i året, og oftast rammar ekstremvêret Trøndelag og Nordland. Sterk vind er dominerande årsak, men mykje nedbør er forventa å bli ein meir vanleg årsak i framtida. Les mer her.