
The pilot is owned by:

The aim of the pilot project

The overall idea is that the future planning in urban areas should have a manageable risk of the consequences of climate change and at the same time enable attractive and resilient urban environments.

The pilot will test, develop and document work processes and methods for planning of urban environments and urban areas and ensure manageable risks associated with stormwater. It is an ambition that the processes support fast and sustainable decisions in the planning processes. The pilot will:

  1. Develop a methodology for a more effective interdisciplinary planning in the water and environment business area transferable to other business areas (- consultant focus).

  2. Gain experience with a new planning methodology and to evaluate its usefulness both in terms of choice of solutions and as a tool for promoting multi-disciplinarity in urban planning (- municipality focus).

  3. Make valuable contributions to recommendations on opportunities for climate adaptation in planning processes and in general. As new tools are developed, this will benefit the entire society (- Klima 2050 focus).



Innovation potential

The potential for innovation is in methodologies for integrated municipality planning processes and business models within climate-resilient urban development processes. The focus in this pilot is in process innovation.

Lessons learnt

  • Description of the pilot project in Norwegian

  • Bø, L.A: Pilotprosjekt | Vannplanlegging for klimarobust byutvikling - erfaringer. Klima 2050 Note 154. Trondheim 2022.

  • Flyen, C, Schjølberg, E, Johannesen, B.G & Moe, A.S: Pilotprosjekt | Vannplanlegging for klimarobust byutvikling. Klima 2050 Note 115. Oslo 2021