Nature-based solutions – stream reopening as a climate change adaptation initiative

The reopening of streams currently running in buried pipelines may reduce flooding risk. However, such reopening processes can be complex and fraught with many pitfalls. Stream reopening usually impacts on large areas, and may come into conflict with buildings and infrastructure in densely populated areas. Recently issued guidelines contain a checklist for the entire reopening process, from the concept stage through planning and construction to operation and maintenance. They also provide an overview of factors that require assessment prior to start-up, as well as a list of available tools. Many Norwegian municipalities have shown great interest in the guide and it has already been used as part of Rogaland County Council's framework for the implementation of nature-based solutions.

Sivertsen, E, Bruaset, S, Bø, L.A, Johannessen, B.G, Klausen, R, Nøst, T, Solli, J & Time, B: Bekkeåpning som klimatilpasningstiltak. En overordnet og flerfaglig anvisning. Klima 2050 Report 25. Trondheim 2021. ISBN 978-82-536-1076-0