Indicators for measuring climate change adaptation in Norwegian municipalities

In Norway, the municipalities are responsible for safeguarding buildings, infrastructure and other areas against climate stressors such as flooding, landslides and torrential rain. The Klima 2050 centre has developed a set of indicators designed to measure the levels of performance achieved by the municipalities. A holistic approach is key to the prevention of damage resulting from climate change. At the same time, there is a need to introduce specific metrics so that those responsible for adaptive measures can succeed in incorporating both quantitative measurement and evaluation of the measures they implement into their everyday work. The performance indicators developed by the centre include process indicators to monitor the work with climate adaptation, measure indicators to monitor which measures that are taken, and result indicators to monitor the effect of the implemented measures.

Sivertsen, E, Sandberg, E, Fjellheim, K, Solli, J, Strømø, E.B, Lilledal, S, Andreassen, S.A & Time, B: Indikatorer for måling av klimatilpasning av arealer, bygninger og infrastruktur i kommuner. Anvisning og rammeverk. Klima 2050 Report 26. Trondheim 2021. ISBN 978-82-536-1708-4