Network for climate adaptation

SINTEF has investigated how practical, political and personal challenges function as drivers or barriers for the climate change adaptation of buildings and infrastructure. Interviews with government and private sector experts show that there is still a long way to go. Climate adaptation is cross-sectoral and places great demands on inter-departmental collaboration. During interviews that took place for this survey, cooperation between municipal departments for water and wastewater management and plan and building agencies was highlighted as essential. In addition, cooperation between municipalities who share the same waterways is also a driver for climate adaptation. Municipal plans and risk and vulnerability analyses (ROS) should offer clear guidelines for climate adaptation. Municipal plans and ROS analyses should be used much more actively than is currently the case in many municipalities. Social psychology shows that what other people do – particularly those we want to be like - may be the strongest influence on attitudes. Previous research has shown that municipalities also imitate each other's solutions and climate focus. Well-functioning networks across municipalities, organisations and government actors who work with climate adaptation will therefore play important roles in developing and implementing new technical solutions for the improved climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure. Trondheim Municipality and the Trøndelag County Municipality have established and developed along with several partners, including Klima 2050, a Trøndelag network for climate adaptation.
